Monday, January 21, 2013

I do it. So should you.

Skin cancer checks. A visit to the dermatologist once a year.  As someone who loves to soak up the sunshine, I think it's so important to strip down to my undies and have this guy who is old enough to be my dad check me over. Ok, that last part sounds weird, but so is the idea of stripping down and having anyone look you over.  But that's ok with me. And once a year, I do it. And so should you.

The gown might be too big, but let's face it -- I'm only wearing it for a little bit of modesty while my doc is asking me what's new since I saw him last year.  I'm totally comfortable with this doctor -- I've been seeing him for years now.  So when he asked if I have any skin concerns, I told him I'd like him to remove this wart-looking thing on my left foot. It's small, and he had tried to freeze it off last year, but since it was still there, we both agreed it would be smart to remove it today. He knew, before I even brought it up, to reassure me it wouldn't interfere with my running.

Doc: If you are comfortable, you could run tomorrow -- but I'd like you to put your foot up tonight and stay off it as much as possible before work tomorrow.

Me: Well, I kind of planned on taking a rest day tomorrow, figuring that's what you'd tell me to do.  What about the pool?

Doc: I'm going to do this as minimally invasively as I can so you can resume normal workouts as soon as tomorrow -- as long as your foot is comfortable in your shoe.  Pool's ok, too, but maybe wait a couple days.

Me: Whoa. Ok!  Cool!

Doc: Yep - and then I'll send you the biopsy report.

Errrrrrert!  Um, what?

No, don't freak out, he said. This is routine. You're young, so it's likely nothing more than a small wart. But in someone older, this is what skin cancer can look like.

Ok. Whew. I'm not worried at all, but I'm glad he'll follow up on that. It's the reason I go every year -- to catch stuff early. I wear sunscreen all the time in the summer.  On the beach, when I run. But there's always that chance I miss something. That's why I come.  And he did compliment me and say my skin, overall, looks just fine.


(Yes, I realize I need a pedicure)
And I'm sure it'll heal up just fine. And I'll go back and get checked again next year.

And maybe, just maybe, you'll think about getting checked, too.

(note:  this is not the post I referenced yesterday.  I'll finish that asap!)

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